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You Put It Out There, It’ll Be Out There!

Your words shape your reality. What are you putting into the atmosphere?
Your words shape your reality. What are you putting into the atmosphere?

What you think and say matters in this journey. Whatever you put into the atmosphere will be waiting for you.

If you wake up and say, “It’s going to be another bad day,” guess what? Another bad day is coming. You just invited it in. No matter what good happens, you won’t see it—because you’ve already made up your mind to focus on the negative.

Listen to this 15-minute video to understand more about the power of words:

Understand, your words create your reality.

In Matthew 15:17-18, Jesus explains that whatever goes into the mouth is temporary, but what comes out of your mouth comes from the heart. That’s where the real issue is—your heart.


The Power of Your Heart & Words

The heart is a vital and powerful organ—it literally sustains life. The words that flow from it? They can build up or tear down.

So, speak life every day.

Speak joy over your circumstances.

Speak peace over your situation.

Speak victory over your struggles.

There is no day where you should be speaking death over yourself. You’re alive today—and that alone is a reason to speak life.

Change Your Words, Change Your Life

When negative thoughts creep in, stop and correct them.

  • Instead of: “I can’t do this,” try saying, “I can do all things through Christ.

  • Instead of: “I’m not enough.” change your words and say, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

  • Instead of: “This situation will never change,” say, “This too shall pass.

When you start speaking life, new life will begin to grow around you. Your mood will shift. Your perspective will change. Your energy will increase.

The way you speak over your day determines what kind of day you will have.


What are you going to say today?

Matthew 15:17-18 (NIV)"But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them."🔗 Read More

Philippians 4:8 (CEV)"Finally, my friends, keep your minds on whatever is true, pure, right, holy, friendly, and proper. Don't ever stop thinking about what is truly worthwhile and worthy of praise."🔗 Read More


Your Challenge Today:

Before you start your day, declare life over it.

Speak the things you want to see.

Set the tone with your words.

Let’s E.A.T.



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