Have you ever been driving, following your GPS, only to hit heavy traffic and decide to take a different route—only to find out it took even longer? That’s exactly what happens when God gives us direction, but we choose to go our own way.
We get frustrated, we let doubt creep in, and then we blame God for the delays, when in reality, we were the ones who veered off course.
God never designed life to be harder than necessary. He has already given us a roadmap—His Word.
But when we ignore His guidance, we create detours that lead to unnecessary struggles. Instead of holding ourselves accountable, we shift blame.
Let’s be real—God answered your prayer.
He told you to fast, but you broke it.
He told you to pray, but you said you didn’t have time.
He told you to read His Word, but you procrastinated.
And now, you find yourself right back where you started, wondering why things aren’t changing.
Trust His Navigation
“With all your heart, you must trust the Lord and not your own judgment. Always let Him lead you, and He will clear the road for you to follow.”— Proverbs 3:5-6 (CEV)🔗 Read More
God has already mapped out your journey. The only thing required of you is trust.
Think about it—has God ever failed you? The answer should be clear: He hasn’t. We fail ourselves when we ignore His instructions.
The verse doesn’t say you clear the path—it says let Him lead, and He will make the way straight. The same way traffic moves aside when you follow the GPS, God will remove obstacles when you follow His voice.
Returning to God’s Plan
"From the days of your ancestors, you have deviated from My statutes and ordinances, disregarding their teachings. Return to Me, and I will reciprocate your return.”— Malachi 3:7 (AMP)
It’s not too late to turn back. Whatever has been distracting you, whatever detours you’ve taken—it doesn’t matter. God is waiting.
All He asks is that you trust Him more than your own understanding. That you stop trying to force your way through life and let Him guide your steps. When you return to Him, He will return to you.
Reflection Question:
Where in your life have you been ignoring God’s direction?
What’s one step you can take today to realign with His plan?
Let’s E.A.T.