Daniel 6:18 (AMP)"Then the king returned to his palace and spent the night fasting; and no music or entertainment was brought before him, and he remained unable to sleep."🔗 Read More

Seeking God Through Fasting
The story of King Darius and Daniel in the lions’ den gives us a powerful example of how fasting leads to divine answers. King Darius was pressured by his advisors to put Daniel in the lions’ den. As men, we face the same pressure—people in our ears, influencing our decisions, pulling us in the wrong direction.
Darius had doubts about God—just like many do today. He wasn’t sure if God was real or not. Sometimes, we put a 50/50 label on God, thinking:
"Maybe He’s real, maybe He’s not."
"Maybe He hears me, maybe He doesn’t."
"Maybe He’ll answer, maybe He won’t."
But King Darius wanted answers.
So what did he do?
He fasted.
No food, no music, no entertainment—nothing to distract him from seeking God.
God Answers Through Fasting
On the third day, Darius ran to the lions’ den and heard Daniel’s voice. That was his answer.
📖 God is real.
📖 God delivers.
📖 God is faithful.
The same God who answered Darius’ doubts will answer yours too.
Fasting isn’t just about giving something up—it’s about making space for God to fill you with truth.
When you fast, seek answers to the questions and thoughts that weigh on you.
Lay down distractions.
Sit in His presence.
Let Him reveal Himself to you.
The more you learn about God, the more He can move in your life.
Deepen Your Understanding with His Word
📖 Daniel 6 Read how God answered King Darius through fasting.
📖 Exodus 34:28 (NIV)"Moses was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant—the Ten Commandments."🔗 Read More
📖 Ezra 8:23 (NIV)"So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer."🔗 Read More
Reflection Prompt:
What answers are you seeking from God?
Take time today to replace distractions with prayer and silence.
Sit with Him and let Him speak to your spirit.
Let’s E.A.T. (Everlasting Anointed Teachings)!