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You’re Too Full, Bro- Empty Out!

A man wearing a shirt too tight because of a full belly.
You’re Too Full, Bro

The story of Daniel’s Fast is remarkable.

In Daniel 1, we see how Daniel and his companions refused to be filled with the king’s food, instead choosing to trust God and be sustained by vegetables and water.

Imagine how Daniel felt when his city was seized by a new ruler.

We’ve all faced losses—losing a job, a loved one, a relationship, or a battle. In those moments, we call on God for help, but sometimes, we don’t feel His presence.


Because we are too full—full of distractions, dead weight, and things we refuse to let go of.

When Daniel emptied himself of the world’s offerings and trusted God to sustain him, he was granted wisdom and favor before the king. God had room to move in him because he made space for Him.

Making Room for God

If God did it for Daniel, why wouldn’t He do it for you? He can.

But here’s the real question: Do you have room for Him to move?

This fast is about letting go—no matter how hard it is.

Let go of the burdens that weigh you down.

Let go of the pain of yesterday.

Let go of fear, failure, and self-doubt.

It won’t be easy, but nothing worth fighting for ever is.

This year let’s empty ourselves so that God can fill us.

  • Let go of unforgiveness—welcome healing.

  • Let go of past failures—step into victory.

  • Let go of self-reliance—surrender to His will.

No more holding on.

No more excuses.

No more distractions.

Fill us up, Lord, until we overflow. We surrender to Your will and way!

Deepen Your Understanding with His Word

📖 Ephesians 6:10-18 (CEV)"Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil's tricks... Then when that evil day comes, you will be able to defend yourself. And when the battle is over, you will still be standing firm."🔗 Read More

📖 Daniel 1Read and meditate on the full chapter.

Reflection Prompt:

What are you too full of that may be blocking God from moving in your life?

Pray, reflect, and ask God to help you release the things that no longer serve your spiritual growth.

Let’s E.A.T. (Everlasting Anointed Teachings)!



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